If you’ve picked up a tarot deck before, you know that there are four suits within the minor arcana—cups, wands, pentacles and swords. Each suit contains 14 cards (much like a standard deck of playing cards) and each suit has a distinctive meaning.
In tarot, cups represent emotions, feelings, romance, love and connection. They’re represented by the element of water, therefore often represent water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. They’re also by and large associated with femininity and feminine energy. In a standard deck of playing cards, cups are equal to the suit of hearts.
Take a look at our guide to the minor arcana’s suit of cups in the gallery below. Then let us know your favorite suit to pull in a tarot reading in the comments section on social media.
Ace of Cups
If the ace of cups is upright, this typically means that a new relationship or love is entering your life. If the ace of cups is in reverse, this signifies it’s time to look inward and focus on self-love.
Two of Cups
If the two of cups is upright, this means you have a strong, balanced and unified partnership in your life. If the two of cups is in reverse, this means there is imbalance and disharmony in your relationship.
Three of Cups
If the three of cups is upright this indicates happiness and being able to celebrate with your friends. If the three of cups is in reverse, this means you don’t have time to spend with friends and instead should focus on your alone time.

Four of Cups
If the four of cups is upright, this means that you may be feeling unmotivated and need to reevaluate your situation. If the four of cups is in reverse, this signifies that you’re feeling withdrawn and desire a fresh start.
Five of Cups
If the five of cups is upright, this indicates you’re experiencing disappointment and pessimism. If the five of cups is in reverse, this means you’re experiencing a persona setback and are being self-critical.
Six of Cups
If the six of cups is upright, this means you’re feeling nostalgic and are revisiting past memories. If the six of cups is in reverse, this shows that you’re stuck in the past and need to return to the present.

Seven of Cups
If the seven of cups is upright, this signifies there are options and opportunities coming your way—but some may be illusions. If the seven of cups is in reverse, this means you’re seeking out fantasy over reality and need to come back down to Earth.
Eight of Cups
If the eight of cups is upright, this means you’re walking away from something that left you feeling disappointed and unsatisfied. If the eight of cups is in reverse, this indicates you’re questioning whether to stay where you are or leave it all behind.
Nine of Cups
If the nine of cups is upright, this shows you’re content and satisfied with where you are in life. If the nine of cups is in reverse, this means you’re feeling as if something is missing in your life and aren’t completely fulfilled.

Ten of Cups
If the ten of cups is upright, this indicates you’ve found pure bliss and happiness—basically a happily ever after. If the ten of cups is in reverse, this means you’re longing for more harmony and strength in your relationships
Page of Cups
If the page of cups is upright, this shows you’re open to new ideas, creativity and possibilities. If the page of cups is in reverse, this means you’re experiencing a creative block or you’re feeling secretive about your creative endeavors.
Knight of Cups
If the knight of cups is upright, this means you’re putting your creative idea into action. If the knight of cups is in reverse, this means you’re not ready to jump into action with your endeavors.

Queen of Cups
If the queen of cups is upright, this signifies trusting your inner voice and showing yourself compassion. If the queen of cups is in reverse, this means you need to look inward and show yourself some self-love.
King of Cups
If the king of cups is upright, this indicates you’ve gained control and balance over your own emotions. If the king of cups is in reverse, this signifies you need to do some work on understanding and handling your emotions.