This Goth Goals Tattooer is Taking Over TikTok

EroticFuneral is killing the TikTok game

TikTok is taking the world by storm and there are new subcategories popping up every single day. No longer is it segregated to teenagers with perfect skin dancing in their bedrooms, but has branched out to a variety of diverse communities. Hollie Pryce Jones is one TikToker who has found her niche on the platform, showing off her impressive style and tattoo collection alongside popular video trends.

Jones works as a tattooer by day and a TikToker by night. She inks out of Bold as Brass Tattoo Company in Liverpool, creating dark and macabre art for her growing clientele. Then, when she’s not tattooing, she’s creating viral videos for TikTok. Many of Jones’ videos have gone viral, particularly those where she shows off her badass goth threads—many of which are constructed out of PVC, latex and heaps of studs. Her most popular video to date features Jones flaunting her diverse shoe collection, from rave ready platform boots to elegant stilettos to fetish inspired pointe heels.

In other videos, Jones has shown off her other passions, including makeup, music and of course tattooing. Her content is a breath of fresh air for the TikTok crowd, as there’s truly no one like her on the platform. Take a look at some of Jones’ most popular TikToks and let us know your favorite TikToker in the comments section on social media.