If you’ve picked up a tarot deck before, you know that there are four suits within the minor arcana—cups, wands, pentacles and swords. Each suit contains 14 cards (much like a standard deck of playing cards) and each suit has a distinctive meaning.
In tarot, wands represents ambition, expansion, strength, creativity and inspiration. They’re represented by the element of fire and often signify fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. They’re also by and large associated with masculinity and masculine energy. In a standard deck of playing cards, cups are equal to the suit of clubs.
Take a look at our guide to the minor arcana’s suit of wands in the gallery below. Then let us know your favorite suit to pull in a tarot reading in the comments section on social media.
Ace of Wands
If the ace of wands is upright, this indicates new opportunities and inspirations are coming your way. If the ace of wands is in reverse, this means you’re feeling directionless, unmotivated and uninspired.
Two of Wands
If the two of wands is upright, this shows you’re in the process of planning for the future. If the two of wands is in reverse, this indicates you need to return to the drawing board and reassess your personal goals.
Three of Wands
If the three of wands is upright, this means your endeavors are progressing and you have the chance to expand. If the three of wands is in reverse, this signifies you have the opportunity to grow, but are playing it safe and staying in your comfort zone.

Four of Wands
If the four of wands is upright, this indicates you’re ready to celebrate and are appreciative of where you are. If the four of wands is in reverse, this means you’re celebrating within and keeping your accomplishments to yourself.
Five of Wands
If the five of wands is upright, this signifies you’re experiencing competition, tension and/or conflict in your life. If the five of wands is in reverse, this means you’re experiencing inner conflict or you’re trying to avoid a conflict.
Six of Wands
If the six of wands is upright, this indicates you’ve achieved your goal and are experiencing success. If the six of wands is in reverse, this shows you’re keeping your success to yourself and may have your own definition of what success means to you.

Seven of Wands
If the seven of wands is upright, this indicates you’re feeling protective or defensive of your success. If the seven of wands is in reverse, this means you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pressures and expectations of others.
Eight of Wands
If the eight of wands is upright, this signifies that you’re moving quickly and are encouraged to strike while the iron is hot. If the eight of wands is in reverse, this means you’re moving quickly but need to slow down and check over for mistakes.
Nine of Wands
If the nine of wands is upright, this shows you’re standing strong in the face of adversity and are pushing forward toward the finish line. If the nine of wands is in reverse, this signifies you’re struggling to keep going and are losing momentum.

Ten of Wands
If the ten of wands is upright, this means you’re taken on a greater burden or responsibility—but you recognize that it’s temporary. If the ten of wands is in reverse, this shows you’re trying to do too much on your own and need to delegate some of your responsibilities.
Page of Wands
If the page of wands is upright, this shows you’re ready for a new endeavor and are prepared to go wherever that takes you. If the page of wands is in reverse, this indicates a new idea is ruminating but you’re not quite ready to put it into action.
Knight of Wands
If the knight of wands is upright, this means you’re filled with energy and excitement about your new endeavor. If the knight of wands is in reverse, this shows you’re focusing on a passion project rather than a career endeavor.

Queen of Wands
If the queen of wands is upright, this indicates you’re feeling bold, confident and self-assured. If the queen of wands is in reverse, you’re feeling introverted and may be lacking self-confidence.
King of Wands
If the kind of wands is upright, this means you have the opportunity to be a leader and should harness it. If the king of wands is in reverse, this indicates that you’re in a leadership position but may not be up to the task.