In order to have a successful, happy and healthy relationship, you need to be compatible with your partner on many different levels. In addition to sharing similar interests, working toward the same goals and having mutual sexual attraction, it’s important to have compatible love languages. The concept of love languages was introduced by Dr. Gary Chapman in 1992 with his book “The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate.” Love languages are different ways people express and experience love with romantic partners and each person has a primary and secondary love language. The five love languages are words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, receiving gifts and physical touch. You can find out here what your love language is and check out the gallery below to learn more about your (or your partners) love language.
Words of Affirmation
If your love language is words of affirmation, you require your partner’s love to be validated through communication. You need them to tell you how much they care about you through compliments, appreciation, apologies, encouragement, empathy and words of affection. On the flip side, insults, jabs or rudeness are big turn offs for you.

Acts of Service
If your love language is acts of service, you love when your partner shows they love you through going above and beyond to help out. This can include cooking dinner, cleaning the house, taking your car to the car wash, bringing out the trash or walking the dog. They’re tasks that don’t have to be grand gestures but help make your day a little bit easier.

Receiving Gifts
If your love language is receiving gifts, you’re won over by sentimental and personal gifts from your partner. Now this doesn’t mean you expect them to shell out big bucks on fancy dinners or trips to the Caribbean, although those things sound incredible. Instead you appreciate it when your partner picks you up your favorite soup from the neighborhood deli or gets you flowers when you’ve closed a big deal at work.

Quality Time
If your love language is quality time, you require your partner to set aside time to give you their full and undivided attention. Whether that time is a movie night, an intimate dinner or a picnic in the park, you feel affirmed when your partner puts their focus onto you. If quality time is your love language, this means you’re very turned off when your partner is constantly checking their phone and not giving you their full attention during your time together.

Physical Touch
If your love language is physical touch, then you feel loved when your partner shows affection through hand holding, hugs or kisses. Just because this is your love language, that doesn’t mean you’re all about sex. Instead, you like physical acts of affirmation and are likely a big cuddle bug.