Cats are exceptionally intriguing creatures. Not only are they totally adorable and fiercely independent, they’re very unique organisms that can do some pretty spectacular things. Plus, they make the internet a much better place. Take a look at 25 of our favorite facts about cats in the gallery below, then let us know your favorite cat fact in the comments section on social media.
-Cats mark their territory by rubbing their faces on humans, other animals and objects.
-Cats cannot taste anything sweet.
-There are 88 million cats in the United States.
-There are more cats in the United States than dogs.
-Cats have 230 bones in their body.

-Cats were brought from Europe to the Americas in 1750 as pest control.
-Cats only meow to communicate with human beings.
-Cats can jump six times their length.
-Cats have five toes on each front paw and four toes on each back paw.
-Cats have whiskers on the backs of their front legs.

-Cats use their rough tongues to clean the meat off bones.
-Cats have thick, soft pads on their feet that allow them to move in nearly complete silence.
-Cats’ tails help them to balance while walking on thin surface areas or jumping.
-Cats can recognize their owner’s voice.

-Male cats are more likely to be left pawed.
-Female cats are more likely to be right pawed.
-Almost all orange cats are male.
-Almost all tortoiseshell and calico cats are female.
-When a cat died in Ancient Egypt, their owners would shave off their eyebrows in mourning.

-The average cat sleeps between 12 and 16 hours per day.
-Cats are most active between dawn and dusk.
-Cats spend about a third of their waking hours grooming themselves.
-Indoor cats tend to live longer than outdoor cats.
-Cats have up to 100 different vocalizations, whereas dogs only have 10.