For decades alternative individuals have been plagued by questions like: “Are you goth?” “Why are you so emo?” “Were you a scene kid?” Let’s make things crystal clear, these are three unique subcultures that are not interchangeable. Sure, they may have similarities but don’t call an emo kid scene, trust me. We’ve curated a list of some of the most cringey, regrettable or questionable trends from the hay days of scene, emo and goth culture. Take a peek at our picks in the gallery below and remember, if you still love one of the trends on our list, who cares what we thing. Keep doing you boo.
Associated Bands
Sleeping with Sirens, Asking Alexandria, Pierce the Veil, Metro Station and Bring Me to the Horizon
So iconic, so cringey.

Facial Piercings
While we’re cool with a piercing or two in your face, scene kids were totally extra about it.

Nude Lips
Again, love a nude lip, but these blend in with your foundation.

Excessive Eyeliner
Spends $100 on eyeliner monthly.

Half Shaved Hair
Love this look for about a month, then it starts to grow out and chaos ensues.

Fake Glasses
Why did all the scene kids want to be blind? Those glasses don’t even have lenses!

Cat Makeup
Meow, I guess?

Out of Control Hair Bows
Bigger the bow, bigger the scene kid. You can say thanks to The Millionaires for this trend.

Everything Hello Kitty
Not sure I get the connection, but alright.

Associated Bands:
My Chemical Romance, AFI, Black Veil Brides, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, Jimmy Eat World and Dashboard Confessional
Bangs That Hid Your Eyes
If the goal is not being able to see, you nailed it.

24/7 Straightened Hair
Emo kids wouldn’t go anywhere without perfectly straightened bangs, trust me.

We’re all for guys expressing themselves through makeup, but the racoon look was bad all around.

Crazy Contacts
Spooky and unsurprisingly, uncomfortable.

Black Body Paint
Why? Why was this even a thing?

Associated Bands:
Bauhaus, The Cure, Joy Division, Miss May I, Drab Majesty and Marilyn Manson
Uber Pale Skin
Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s a thick coat of white powder.

Extreme Hairstyles
Get it girl.

Vampire Obsession
Good for Halloween, questionable for class photos.

Painted on Brows
Now this is a commitment I can’t handle. But the discipline for those who can pull it off is pretty impressive.

Heavy, hot and slightly culturally appropriative.

V Bangs
Cute, but also pretty impractical.

Now the sideburn thing is something I never got, can someone please explain it?

Rad on Tumblr, but very rarely meeting expectations in real life.