If you’ve picked up a tarot deck before, you know that there are four suits within the minor arcana—cups, wands, pentacles and swords. Each suit contains 14 cards (much like a standard deck of playing cards) and each suit has a distinctive meaning.
In tarot, swords represent action, change, power, conflict, ambition and courage. They’re represented by the element of air and often signify air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They’re also by and large associated with masculinity and masculine energy. In a standard deck of playing cards, cups are equal to the suit of spades.
Take a look at our guide to the minor arcana’s suit of swords in the gallery below. Then let us know your favorite suit to pull in a tarot reading in the comments section on social media
Ace of Swords
If the ace of swords is upright, this means you’re on the verge of a significant breakthrough and should recognize it as a sign of encouragement. If the ace of swords is in reverse, this indicates you’re experiencing a breakthrough that you’re keeping to yourself.
Two of Swords
If the two of sword is upright, this signifies you’re facing a challenging decision and are weighing your options. If the two of swords is in reverse, this means you’re facing a difficult choice and need to look within to find the answer.
Three of Swords
If the three of swords is upright, this indicates you are feeling heartbreak, sorrow and an emotional release. If the three of swords is in reverse, this signifies you’re feeling self-critical or hypersenstive.

Four of Swords
If the four of swords is upright, this indicates you need to rest up and relax. If the four of swords is in reverse, this means you need to unplug and do some inner work.
Five of Swords
If the five of swords is upright, this signifies you’re experiencing conflict and have gone through a loss because of it. If the five of swords is in reverse, this indicates you want to reconcile and make amends with someone you’ve had a conflict with in the past.
Six of Swords
If the six of swords is upright, this means you’re in a period of transition and change. If the six of swords is in reverse, this signifies you’re going through a personal transition and may be resistant to that change.

Seven of Swords
If the seven of swords is upright, this indicates you’re feeling betrayed, deceived or tricked. If the seven of swords is in reverse, this means you’re doubting your own abilities and may be experiencing imposter syndrome.
Eight of Swords
If the eight of swords is upright, this signifies you’re feeling trapped or restricted. If the eight of swords is in reverse, this indicates you’re feeling trapped by your own thoughts and are being your own worst critic.
Nine of Swords
If the nine of swords is upright, this means you’re feeling worrisome and your negative thoughts are overwhelming you. If the nine of swords is in reverse, this signifies you’re spiraling out internally and letting your fears get the best of you.

Ten of Swords
If the ten of swords is upright, this indicates you’re experiencing a painful end to your conflict. If the ten of swords is in reverse, this means the end is near but you’re resisting this conclusion.
Page of Swords
If the page of swords is upright, this signifies you have a new venture in your life that you’re excited about. If the page of swords is in reverse, this indicates you’re expressing yourself in private terms, such as writing in a journal.
Knight of Swords
If the knight of swords is upright, this means you’re feeling ambitious and motivated to succeed. If the knight of swords is in reverse, this signifies you’re feeling motivated but something is holding you back.

Queen of Swords
If the queen of swords is upright, this indicates that you’re feeling independent and have an unbiased judgement that allows you to make informed choices. If the queen of swords is in reverse, this means your judgement may be clouded by your emotions.
King of Swords
If the king of swords is upright, this means you have a clear and impartial mindset. If the kind of swords is in reverse, this signifies you have a quiet or inner power.