If you’ve picked up a tarot deck before, you know that there are four suits within the minor arcana—cups, wands, pentacles and swords. Each suit contains 14 cards (much like a standard deck of playing cards) and each suit has a distinctive meaning.
In tarot, pentacles or coins represent money, work, health, fortitude, service and sensuality. They’re represented by the element of earth and often signify earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. They’re also by and large associated with femininity and feminine energy. In a standard deck of playing cards, cups are equal to the suit of diamonds.
Take a look at our guide to the minor arcana’s suit of pentacles in the gallery below. Then let us know your favorite suit to pull in a tarot reading in the comments section on social media.
Ace of Pentacles
If the ace of pentacles is upright, this means you have a new financial or career opportunity coming your way. If the ace of pentacles is in reverse, this indicates you lost a financial or career opportunity, or may feel hesitant to move forward with one.
Two of Pentacles
If the two of pentacles is upright, this signifies you’re juggling multiple priorities simultaneously or are exceptionally busy. If the two of pentacles is in reverse, this means you’re overly committed and struggling to stay on top of everything.
Three of Pentacles
If the three of pentacles is upright, this indicates you should embrace collaboration and teamwork. If the three of pentacles is in reverse, this signifies you’re feeling disharmony with those you have to work with or may be pursuing solo projects.
Four of Pentacles
If the four of pentacles is upright, this means you’re saving money and spending money conservatively. If the four of pentacles is in reverse, this indicates you’re being irresponsible with your money and overspending.

Five of Pentacles
If the five of pentacles is upright, this signifies you’ve experienced a financial loss or may have lost your job. If the five of pentacles is in reverse, this means you’re recovering from a financial loss and are coming out of it.
Six of Pentacles
If the six of pentacles is upright, this indicates you’re feeling generous and are sharing your finances with others. If the six of pentacles is in reserve, this signifies you should invest in some self-care.
Seven of Pentacles
If the seven of pentacles is upright, this means you should look at the bigger picture and invest in your future. If the seven of pentacles is in reverse, this indicates you’re experiencing limited rewards from your financial investments.
Eight of Pentacles
If the eight of pentacles is upright, this signifies you’re striving to master a new skill or craft. If the eight of pentacles is in reverse, this means you’re focused on personal growth and development.

Nine of Pentacles
If the nine of pentacles is upright, this indicates you’re experiencing abundance and wealth. If the nine of pentacles is in reverse, this signifies you should reflect on self-worth and value.
Ten of Pentacles
If the ten of pentacles is upright, this means you have accumulated wealth due to your strategic investments. If the ten of pentacles is in reverse, this indicates you’re experiencing the perils of wealth.
Page of Pentacles
If the page of pentacles is upright, this signifies you’re manifesting a dream or a goal. If the page of pentacles is in reverse, this means you’re procrastinating or experiencing a lull in your progress.

Knight of Pentacles
If the knight of pentacles is upright, this indicates you’re working hard to obtain your goals. If the knight of pentacles is in reverse, this signifies you’re working hard to achieve your inner goals.
Queen of Pentacles
If the queen of pentacles is upright, this means you’re successfully balancing your career and domestic responsibilities. If the queen of pentacles is in reverse, this indicates you’re experiencing financial independence.
King of Pentacles
If the king of pentacles is upright, this signifies you’ve become a leader in the workplace and have obtained financial wealth. If the king of pentacles is in reverse, this means you’ve become obsessed with obtaining status and wealth.