When it comes to planets being in retrograde, Mercury is the main character. She’s the one everyone knows and the whole story revolves around her. However, each of the other planets has their own retrograde and has an impact on our lives.
If you’re not already familiar with the concept of retrograde, let me break it down for you. Retrograde occurs when certain planets appear to be moving in reverse across the sky. This is an illusion because of the relative difference in speed, but it occurs with each planet throughout the year. This often leads us to feel that things have gone awry in our lives and can have a more significant impact on specific astrology signs.
Take a look at every planet in retrograde in 2022 and let us know your thoughts on planetary retrograde in the comments section on social media.

January 14th-February 3rd (Capricorn and Aquarius)
May 10th-June 3rd (Taurus and Gemini)
September 9th-October 2nd (Virgo and Libra)
December 29th-January 20th 2023 (Capricorn and Aquarius)
Mercury in Retrograde occurs three to four times a year, lasting approximately 3 weeks. Mercury rules communication and it’s retrograde has an impact on technology, travel and all types of conversations. It has a negative impact on our ability to make decisions and can lead to many mishaps. However, Mercury in Retrograde isn’t all bad, as it’s a great time to reflect and regroup. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, so it’s retrograde has the strongest impact on these signs.

December 19th 2021-January 29th (Capricorn)
Venus in Retrograde occurs every 18 months and lasts approximately six weeks. Venus rules love and it’s retrograde has an impact on our romantic relationships. It can lead to stand-offs between partners, cause old issues to arise and even result in the end of a relationship as a whole. Venus rules Taurus and Libra, so it’s retrograde has the strongest impact on these signs.
October 30th-January 12th, 2023
Mars in Retrograde occurs every 26 months and lasts for 55-90 days. Mars rules action and it’s retrograde has an impact on our drive and motivations. It can cause low motivation and make it feel like aspects of your life are stalling. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, so it’s retrograde has the strongest impact on these signs.

July 28th-November 23rd
Jupiter in Retrograde occurs every nine months and lasts approximately 120 days. Jupiter rules faith and it’s retrograde has an impact on deep philosophical thinking. This time causes many to reconsider their faith and look outward toward the bigger picture. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces, so it’s retrograde has the strongest impact on these signs.
June 4th-October 23rd
Saturn in Retrograde occurs once a year and lasts about four and a half months. Saturn rules discipline and it’s retrograde has an impact on our boundaries, limits and responsibilities. It often forces us to address the responsibilities and tasks we’ve been putting off, leaving us feeling burdened and frustrated. Saturn rules Capricorn and Pisces, so it has the strongest impact on these signs.

August 19th 2021-January 18th 2022
August 24th 2022-January 23rd 2023
Uranus in Retrograde occurs once a year and lasts for approximately 150 days. Uranus rules rebellion and it’s retrograde often inspires us to look inward. During this time, we may be prompted to look inward and sort through the things we know intuitively but are difficult to address. Uranus rules Aquarius and it’s retrograde has the strongest impact on this sign.

June 28th-December 3rd
Neptune in Retrograde occurs once a year and lasts for approximately 150 days. Neptune rules illusion and it’s retrograde impacts our dreams, imagination and creativity. When Neptune is in retrograde, it pulls away the veil of illusion and causes us to face reality head on. Neptune rules Pisces and it has the strongest impact on this sign.
April 29th-October 8th
Pluto in retrograde occurs once a year and lasts five to six months. Pluto rules transformation and it’s retrograde impacts the role power plays in our lives. Much of our lives is spent with Pluto in Retrograde and this time often indicates when we need to change. Pluto rules Scorpio and it has the strongest impact on this sign.