If you’ve picked up a tarot deck in your lifetime, you will have likely noticed that the cards are split into two distinctive categories—the major and minor arcana. The minor arcana are the suit cards (swords, pentacles, cups and wands), which contain 14 cards each and represent more tangible or everyday themes. The major arcana, on the other hand, is comprised of 22 cards that reflect on larger themes and life lessons. The major arcana tells the soul’s journey, a story that begins with The Fool and ends with The World. In the journey, The Fool meets some impressionable characters such as The Hierophant, The Emperor, The Hermit and The Tower, learning life-long lessons along the way.
Take a look at our guide to the major arcana in the gallery below. Then let us know your favorite major arcana card to pull in the comments section on social media.
The Fool
If The Fool is upright, this means you’re starting a new opportunity or chapter in your life. If The Fool is in reverse, this indicates you’re holding back from taking on a new challenge and aren’t ready to commit.

The Magician
If The Magician is upright, this signifies you should work on manifesting your goals. If The Magician is in reverse, this means you’re manipulating others to obtain success.

The High Priestess
If The High Priestess is upright, this indicates it’s time to tap into your subconscious mind. If The High Priestess is in reverse, this signifies you’re not trusting your own intuition.

The Empress
If The Empress is upright, this means you’re getting in touch with your femininity. If The Empress is in reverse, this indicates you need to make self-care a priority.

The Emperor
If The Emperor is upright, this signifies that you’re adopting a traditionally masculine role. If The Emperor is in reverse, this means you’re being domineering or overly controlling.

The Hierophant
If The Hierophant is upright, this indicates that you’re getting in touch with spirituality. If The Hierophant is in reverse, this signifies to follow your personal beliefs.

The Lovers
If The Lovers is upright, this means you’re embracing love and emotional vulnerability. If The Lovers is in reverse, this indicates you’re experiencing disharmony and an imbalance in your love life.

The Chariot
If The Chariot is upright, this signifies it’s time to take action. If The Chariot is in reverse, this means you’re experiencing an obstacle on your course to action.

If Strength is upright, this indicates you need to access your inner strength. If Strength is in reverse, this signifies you may be lacking in self-confidence.

The Hermit
If The Hermit is upright, this means you’re taking a break from the outside world to look within. If The Hermit is in reverse, this indicates you’re either not taking enough or taking too much time for self-reflection.

Wheel of Fortune
If Wheel of Fortune is upright, this signifies good luck and fortune are coming your way. If Wheel of Fortune is in reverse, this means your fortune may be on the decline.

If Justice is upright, this indicates you’re being held accountable for your actions. If Justice is in reverse, this signifies you may be acting dishonestly with yourself.

The Hanged Man
If The Hanged Man is upright, this means it’s time to take a pause before proceeding. If The Hanged Man is in reverse, this indicates you’re resisting taking a pause.

If Death is upright, this signifies the end of a phase of life. If Death is in reverse, this means you may be resisting change.

If Temperance is upright, this indicates it’s time to get your life back to a balanced order. If Temperance is in reverse, this signifies you’re experiencing an imbalance or excess in some area of your life.

The Devil
If The Devil is upright, this means you need to acknowledge the negative energies in your life. If The Devil is in reverse, this indicates you must release the negative energies in your life.

The Tower
If The Tower is upright, this signifies you’re going to experience a sudden and/or massive life change. If The Tower is in reverse, this means you’re going through a significant personal transformation.

The Star
If The Star is upright, this indicates you’re filled with a new sense of hope. If The Star is in reverse, this signifies you’ve lost faith.

The Moon
If The Moon is upright, this means you’re experiencing fear and/or anxiety based on past experiences. If The Moon is in reverse, this indicates your fears and repressed emotions are subsiding.

The Sun
If The Sun is upright, this signifies you’re experiencing an abundance of positivity. If The Sun is in reverse, this means you need to embrace your inner child.

If Judgement is upright, this indicates you’re about to make a life-altering decision. If Judgement is in reverse, this signifies you’re experiencing self-doubt and inner critique.

The World
If The World is upright, this means you’ve reached a state of completion. If The World is in reverse, this indicates you’re experiencing a personal closure.